Acceptance Inspections

Ferry Flights

Crew Provisioning

Maintenance Support

Authoring Tool

Ferry Flights
For many years, we are organizing ferry flights, demo flights and technical inspection flights on all ATR types.
Technical crews are provided by Magellan and flights are fully handled from A to Z : crew, plane, administration, flights, stops, fuel, overflight authorizations, crew positioning…

Crew Provisioning
If your company is facing a need of crew, you are at the right place to entrust experts with the recruitment, established in various field of aviation for almost 10 years.
Our method allows us a very meticulous selection. We don’t only collect CVs for you, we do the recruitment for you.

Authoring Tool
Either you are a starting or a well-established company, do not allow the massive documentation invade you and waste your employees’ energy.
Legal documentation, technical manuals, quality records… Keep your documentation under control is the first (the main?) step to continue your operations.